I have a good friend back home named Jeremy (28yrs.) and he has Neurofibromatosis (NF2). He was the inspiration behind my hike across America. I wanted to raise support and awareness for Neurofibromatosis since so few people have ever even heard of it.
So, on March 1, 2008 I set off on a hike that took me through thirteen states and 4100 miles over eight months. Before the hike started, I was contacted by John Manth. He had found out about my hike through NF Inc. We talked on the phone and e-mailed one another. He told me all about Leah and how his family was working hard to help find a cure for NF. They really appreciated all that I was doing and I was thankful for their support. I can't tell you what an inspiration it was to talk to John. It was during this talk, with a concerned and loving father, that I realized that I was hiking for many more people then just my friend Jeremy.